Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself

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If you're reading this for the first time, hello; I'm Stella Bella. If , by some miracle, you are reading this because you've visited this page multiple times with the expectation of me posting something new, I'm surprised, very grateful, and would like to say, welcome back.

When I was first inspired to write this blog, my life was very different. I was younger, more naive, and I had more time. Then life happened, and it happened for 4 years. Each time I had plans to write, life would happen again. Nevertheless, I persist. Previously, my motivations for creating this blog were out of passion and the hopes that it would yield something glamorous (something you would only see in an unrealistic program where a woman living in New York City can afford Manolo Blahniks on a columnist salary) but now, they are simple... I need something to do outside of work. 

All seriousness aside, I have a new outlook on life and therefore a new outlook for this blog. Le Bonheur Supreme means bliss, and originally, the bliss that I wanted to share was associated with food, the earth shattering, mind boggling experience that is food and the whirlwind of emotions, memories, hopes and dreams that it brings. Food will absolutely still be a focus, likely the primary focus, but not the sole focus. Honestly, I'm still figuring out what bliss is and what things bring me bliss. I could say something cliché like 'living a balanced life and valuing my inner greatness is what bliss is to me', but that would be annoying and mostly untrue. Balance is extremely difficult; I work too much, and I don't have a social life. I sleep too little and enjoy my own company entirely too much; too much of this, too little of that, leaves no room for balance. But if I can experience even of a bit of bliss in the craziness that is my life, that’s just fine with me; you can find it anywhere if you know how to look for it. 

I'm a self-proclaimed culturist, food enthusiast, and critic. Most of all, I'm just a human, making my way through life seeking my bliss. Now that I've overused the word, you guessed it, Bliss, let's get to it.  This is Le Bonheur Supreme! 

*Disclaimer: At any point, you may disagree with something I say or how I say it; that's not a problem. All I ask is that you be courteous and be respectful of me (and anyone else) and my right to have a difference of opinion, as I will do the same. 


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